Brian Greene
Jul 20, 2023
EP 204 - Brian Greene
Welcome to The Pretty Intense Podcast. Today is Pretty Intense. We have the brilliant theoretical physicist and author Brian Greene with us. Brain has gone very deep into String Theory, and Mirror Symmetry, and so many things that I don't really understand well, but I am excited to learn. I have always been interested in the Universe and in our reality, and how everything works. We talked about time. We talked about entropy. We talked about dimensions. We talked about matter, and what we are made of. We really drilled down on the fundamentals of what we experience in life. We talked about the hadron collider in Switzerland. For me I like to go past my limit of knowledge to learn. I understood a lot of what we talked about today, but there was some things I did not understand, which I am grateful for, because it means I am expanding, just like the Universe. We hope you enjoy growing with this episode.
Brian Greene is a professor of Physics and Mathematics at Columbia University, and Director of Columbia’s Center for Theoretical Physics. He is recognized for a number of groundbreaking discoveries in mathematical physics and superstring theory. Professor Greene's books, The Elegant Universe, The Fabric of the Cosmos, The Hidden Reality, and Until the End of Time, have collectively spent 70 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list and sold over two million copies worldwide. Professor Greene is a frequent guest on late night television and was the host of two award-winning NOVA mini-series based on his books. He also wrote and performed in Light Falls, a live theatrical exploration of Einstein’s discoveries, that was broadcast nationally on PBS. Together with Tracy Day, Professor Greene co-founded the World Science Festival and serves as Chairman of the Board.
Connect with Brian:
Website: briangreene.org
Twitter: @bgreene
Facebook: @BrianGreenePhysicist
IG: @brian_greene111