Dr. DiNcolantonio
Nov 21, 2024
EP 265 - Dr. James DiNicolantonio
Welcome to the Pretty Intense Podcast. We have Dr. James DiNicolantonio on the show today. Dr. DiNicolantonio is a cardiovascular research scientist and Doctor of Pharmacy, and the author on 9 best selling books on health, including his latest book "The Salt Fix" where Dr. DiNicolantonio dismantles the old myth of a "The Low Salt Diet" being a healthy choice. The fact is, some old theories on diet just did not have the adequate research and proof to back up the theory. Dr. James DiNicolantonio cuts through the noise to reveal the facts you need to know. In this eye-opening episode, you'll learn how salt—often villainized by health trends—actually plays a crucial role in maintaining proper bodily functions such as hydration, nerve transmission, and muscle contractions. Knowledge is power—equip yourself with evidence-based advice that empowers you to make mindful choices about what goes on your plate. We also dive into Dr. DiNicolantonio's biggest supplement recommendations. Don’t let misconceptions dictate how you nourish yourself any longer; dive into “The Salt Fix” today and transform the way you think about this vital nutrient forever! Enjoy this episode and get some straight forward simple tips to elevate your health game TODAY! Feel amazing!!!
Dr. James DiNicolantonio is a cardiovascular research scientist and Doctor of Pharmacy. Following his passion for evidence-based nutrition, he has written nine bestselling books: The Salt Fix, Superfuel, The Longevity Solution, The Immunity Fix, The Mineral Fix, WIN, The Obesity Fix, The Collagen Cure and The Blood Sugar Solution. A well-respected and internationally known scientist and expert on health and nutrition. Dr. DiNicolantonio was the Associate Editor of British Medical Journal’s (BMJ) Open Heart for over 10 years, a journal published in partnership with the British Cardiovascular Society. He is the author or coauthor of approximately 300 publications in the medical literature. He is also on the editorial advisory boards of several medical journals. He has shared his expertise on The Dr. Oz Show, The Doctors, and international news media outlets.
Connect with Dr. DiNicolantonio:
IG: @drjamesdinic
X: @drjamesdinic
FB: @drjamesdinic
YouTube Episode: https://youtu.be/ScDJM_FvpSE
Episode Partners: https://www.drinkAG1.com/PRETTYINTENSE & https://www.bioptimizers.com/prettyintense