Kashif Khan
Jun 8, 2023
EP 198 - Kashif Khan
Welcome to the Pretty Intense Podcast. Our guest today is Kashif Khan, founder of The DNA Company, and author of the book" "The DNA Way". I was turned on to Kashif Khan when I was feeling sick from my breast implants. Kashif was doing genetic research on why some women get so sick from breast implants. I did his DNA test, which our audience is getting 15% off. Go to www.thednacompany.com/danica, and you'll get 15% off. From the DNA test I was able to see what I do well, and what I don't do well. So in this interview we talked about genetics: What are genetics? Where do they come from? How do we change the Telomeres and age, how to reverse aging. How do we live healthier. Kashif tells us how his tests showed that when he was 38, his biological age was 43, and now that he is 43 his biological age is 33. He started his health journey and his business as a result of his own illness taking over his life. He learned to heal himself from disease, then he started to help heal his friends and family. This has now grown into an amazing business that challenges the broken process of the medical system in America today. Learn how to turn back the clock on your aging process and live with out disease. Enjoy today's show.
Kashif Khan is Chief Executive Officer and Founder of The DNA Company, where personalized medicine is being pioneered through unique insights into the human genome. He is also the host of the Unpilled podcast. Growing up in Vancouver, Canada in an immigrant household, Kashif developed an industrious entrepreneurial spirit from a young age. Prior to his tenure at the DNA Company, Kashif advised a number of high-growth start-ups in a variety of industries. As Kashif dove into the field of functional genomics as the CEO of The DNA Company, it was revealed that his neural wiring was actually genetically designed to be entrepreneurial. However, his genes also revealed a particular sensitivity to pollutants. Now seeing his health from a new lens Kashif dove further and started to see the genetic pathways that led to his own family’s challenges, and the opportunities to reverse chronic disease. His measure of success is not in dollars earned, but in lives improved.
Connect with Kashif:
IG: @KashKhanofficial
FB: @KashKhanofficial
Twitter: @mrkashkhan
WebSite: www.thednacompany.com
Episode Partner: DrinkLMNT.com/PrettyIntense