Randall Carlson
Dec 19, 2024
EP 269 - Randall Carlson
Welcome to the Pretty Intense Podcast. We have our great friend back on the show, Mr. Randall Carlson. Randall has spent the past 30 years searching for evidence of climate change. Reading the patterns on rocks to assess when mass flooding has happened, and what caused it. Could these changes in weather be caused by cosmic impact? Randall has been called a climate change denier, but he says he believes very much in climate change and can walk you through the proof and truth. Join Randall Carlson as he unravels the mysteries of ancient climate shifts! We also dig into a conversation about energy. Where will the future of energy come from? Is that power of harnessing this energy being hidden from us? These questions and so many more are answered today on the Pretty Intense Podcast. Don't miss it!
Randall Carlson is a 3rd generation professional builder and co-owner of Archetype Design/Build, Inc. A rural upbringing in Minnesota led to an avid interest in the workings of the natural world at an early age. As an enthusiastic reader he developed a broad interest in science, history, and mythology. An interest in building and architecture led to an in-depth study of the methods, symbolism, geometry, and science incorporated into the many sacred structures throughout the ages. He was initiated into the Masonic Craft in 1978 and he has been an active Freemason since that time, rising in 1990 to become Master of one of the oldest and largest Lodges in Georgia. He has immersed himself deeply into the science of global change as it is revealed through both modern scientific research and traditional systems of knowledge. He was awarded outstanding geology student of the year at Dekalb College in 1993 and was recognized by the National Science Teachers Association in 2002 for his contributions to science education for young people. The acclaimed 1997 TBS/CNN documentary Fire from the Sky, in which he appeared, and which has had over 20 million viewers, was based upon his research into catastrophic Earth change and cosmic impacts. Over the past 30 years he has led dozens of expeditions and tours documenting evidence for cycles of Earth change while also studying the effects of such events upon past civilizations. He was featured prominently in Graham Hancock’s bestselling book, Magicians of the Gods. He is currently partnering with howtube.com, a recently launched internet platform predicated upon the free and uncensored exchange of knowledge and ideas. He is also a key member of a team working to bring forth a new plasma-based energy technology that has the potential to transform the industrial landscape of the world. Randall co-hosts the podcast “Kosmographia” that focuses upon his varied interests. His growing body of work can be found at randallcarlson.com and howtube.com.
Connect with Randall:
IG: @therandallcarlson
FB: @TheRandallCarlson
X: @randallwcarlson
YT: @therandallcarlson
Episode Partner: https://www.drinkAG1.com/PRETTYINTENSE
YouTube Episode : https://youtu.be/z80DbkNtqVs